Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Hey here lil' sparklers is another solution to boredom.......................FOLDABLES!!! Print these out in cardstock and they turn in to something.


Sorry for all the pictures and I'm a big fan of minecraft and adventure time.

Blue jean skirts....HOT OR NOT?

I really used to hate blue jean skirts but after I saw how all of these people used them I realized they are not so bad....and the answer is hot but only for spring and summer because you don't want to freeze!

Never be bored again!

In this blog I will give you some things to do if your bored....

1. Read a book
2. Cut out things in a mag.
3. Arts and crafts 
4. Have fun with your friends
5. Draw
6. Make a tent out of covers
7. Slumber party
8. YouTube videos
9. Makeovers

~I drew this when I was bored one time.~

First Post!

Hey this is Allie the person behind Lil' Sparkle! I am really excited to do a blog it should be fun. You will get to learn about all the new fashions, drawings I make, trends, hairstyles, and you can comment for us to do something and we will. I'm new to this so I don't really understand all of it but I should get used to it sooner or later.
Sparkle is the blog that made mine Sparkle is also by KLK productions. That is why I'm called Lil' Sparkle cause I'm lil' haha. My hobbies are art, arts and crafts, doing stuff with yarn, basketball, and making earrings. Please comment below on what I should blog about next and tell other friends about this to....Bye!